I'm taking a personal art discovery class at Peony and Parakeet called Imagine Monthly. The first project, pictured above, used watercolor, color pencils and marking pens plus a collage method using my own painted art doodles. The instructor, Paivi from Finland, teaches via video and PDF class hand-out. There is a special Facebook page for the students to post their work. It amazes me how each student has her own take on the project. They all turn out so different and fascinating.
This year my main resolution is to play more. Part of that is taking art classes online, connecting with friends who like art and making an art journal. It will be interesting to see where this leads. I've shoved art aside for too long. We all need creative time to do what we feel inspired to do. That could mean so many different things, just like the art instruction did for this project. We all took off in different directions with the same set of instructions and video to follow. I love that!
I'll post more journal pages as class progresses.
Your version looks so lively, love it!