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Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Christmas Card

Years ago a family friend, Tom, sent us a Christmas card with a black and white photo on the front. It was a picture that was taken of his family Christmas tree when he was growing up. It's one of my favorite all time Christmas cards and the photo is so simple and beautiful. The tree was spindly and plain. That's what I love about it. Unwrapped presents lay under it. It reminds me of my childhood Christmases.

Tom's card was my inspiration for The Christmas Card still life photo. I thought about each year how we use to sit down with a cuppa something and pen our cards to family and friends. These days my husband 'writes' our Christmas letter on the computer and we email to most and mail to those without email. It's not as personal but we still reach out to our loved ones with news of the year. That's important to us.
Here is a close-up of the metal container I recently purchased at a craft fair. I fell in love with it's simplicity. Just like the tree. 


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Love Grows Wild

No photo to share today but instead a blog worth sharing. While cruising a Pinterest board I made a wonderful discovery for a DIY project. It led me to Love Grows Wild.

Back in the day I was more into DIY projects but have grown away from them over the years. OK, I just buy stuff instead. Easier. BUT this website has me excited about heading to the local hardware/lumber and craft stores for supplies.

Click on the Project Gallery tab for photos of some pretty amazing projects. The blog owner, Liz, has separated projects by three themes:
  • Home Projects
  • Crafts
  • Holidays & Seasons
A couple that caught my eye are How to Make Rope Letters and DIY Photo Clipboards .

I'd like to make the clipboards a different size and paint them distressed white. She also shows you how to distress by clicking on other projects.

It would be fun to make the word Wine or Chef out of rope for wall art. She says you have to make the words short so they don't sag and suggests tiny nails at key points in the letters when attaching them to the wall. You could probably even paint the rope. White or black maybe. Hmmm.... Lots of possibilities.

Oh, and recipes too! There are some vegetarian dishes as well. I'd love to try the Skinny Fettuccine Alfredo, 30 Minute Fresh Tomato Marinara, and Spicy Cilantro Shrimp with Honey Lime Dipping Sauce, with or without the sauce or substitute light sour cream. Yum.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Peaceful White

There is something so peaceful about the color white. When you go outside after a big snow, you know how quiet it is? That's what white is. A room filled with white is calming and refreshing at the same time.

The birch candle holder was made by my friend Sharon's husband for a garden club fundraising event. I love the texture and the way the bark peels, the color and feel of it.

A recent class assignment for My Still Sunday at was Shades of White and Still Side Light. My Still Sunday is not only about still life photography but also about the quiet and calm. When setting up and taking photos of still life I forget everything else except what's in front of me. I look through the view finder, adjust my position or elements in the scene, take a photo, repeat. It's just me, the camera and the elements. Simple, quiet, still. I love that.